PSN Stat
~XBL Server Health:
XBL Stat
~Pokemon GO Server Health:
Pokemon GO Stat
~Steam Server Health:
Steam Server Stat
~Call Of Duty: BO3 Server Health:
CoD BO3 Server Stat
~Counter Strike Server Health:
Counter Strike Server Stat
~Origin and Battlefield Server Health:
Origin and BF Server Stat
~Minecraft Server Health/Mojang MC Server Stat
~Request a Pokestop or Gym near you!!!
PokeGO PS/G Requests
~Pokemon GO Pokedex:
~Poke Assistant for IV's:
Poke Assistant
~Calibrate Compass from Google Maps (Android):
Android Compass Calib
~GameStop Pokemon GO Support:
Just search your Zip Code!!!
Gamestop Pokemon GO Lures
Gamestop Pokemon GO PokeStop's
Gamestop Pokemon GO Gyms
Battle Log
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the Controller Rejects family would be "Controller Rejects Vape." Currently, there are a few hundred members, and a few highly active members enjoying the wonderful world of Controller Rejects.
CRo2 - Controller Rejects
CRo2xGirls - CRo2's Beloved Women
CRo2Vape - CRo2 Vape Life, Juice, etc
CRo2Trolls - On Blast Trolls through Controller Rejects
CRo2Plus - CRo2's community support and volunteers
~CRo2 Main Branch: #CRo2 #ControllerRejects
Controller Rejects Facebook
~Vape Branch: #CRo2Vape
CRo2 Vape Facebook
~Troll Branch: #CRo2Trolls
CRo2 Trolls Facebook
~Community Care Branch: #CRo2Plus
CRo2 PLUS Facebook
Controller Rejects Store
(Currently Closed)
~Instagram: @cro2_ig
Controller Rejects Instagram
(Currently Closed)